
With its patented architecture, the Prismo D- BLUE® system can accommodate up to 4 reactors, and process up to 232 2-inch wafers or 56 4-inch wafers simultaneously. It is extendible to 6 and 8-inch wafer production. Each reactor is controlled independently—an inventive design that enables exceptional manufacturing flexibility. The Prismo D- BLUE system is the industry’s first MOCVD tool that was pioneered, developed and manufactured in China, and is now used by LED and power device customers for volume production.

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                Prismo D-BLUE®

                MOCVD solution for LED and power device volume production

                Products Features

                Independently controllable reactors

                Advanced in-situ, real-time monitoring system

                Precise process parameters control

                Automated and programmable maintenance routines

                SEMI S2 certified

                Competitive Advantages

                Superb process repeatability, simplified process adjustment and improved production yield

                High productivity, high throughput and low cost with 480mm susceptor

                Integrated lid lifting mechanism, simplified tool maintenance and maximized equipment utilization

                SEMI S2 certifi