
Through Silicon Via (TSV) has become a key technology for advanced packaging applications for various products such as CMOS image sensors, 2.5DICs, 3DICs and plasma dicing. The Primo TSV® tool is AMEC’s first high-density plasma TSV etch product for high-performance TSV applications. The system employs a cluster configuration design which allows for up to three dual-station process modules to be attached to the main frame. Each module can process two wafers simultaneously. AMEC offers 200mm and 300mm TSV production tools capable of etching holes with CDs ranging from hundreds of microns down to <1um, and depth of up to several hundred microns. In addition, with its strong process-tuning capabilities, the tool can generate diverse profiles based on customer requirements (i.e., vertical, cone-shaped, tapered, and more). Finally, with unique features, such as a pre-heating station, wafer-edge protection ring, and low-frequency RF pulsing bias and side gas feed, the Primo TSV is an ideal tool to deliver the technology, flexibility, and productivity needed for the TSV market.

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                Primo TSV®

                High-productivity solution for deep silicon etching

                Products Features

                Dual stations with inductively-coupled plasma source

                High-power source RF and continuous wave or pulsed bias RF

                On-board gas box with advanced fast gas switching

                Wafer edge protection ring

                Optical endpoint control system

                Tunable dual coil

                Competitive Advantages

                Process tunability for diverse applications

                High-productivity mainframe for maximum throughput per system

                Bosch and steady-state processing capabilities within the same chamber